UNITED Music Video—Educating Youth on Human Rights

When 19-year-old Taron Lexton created UNITED, an emotionally charged human rights hip-hop music video, he never expected that 4 million people would be watching it in movie theaters throughout Hungary in 2006. This is exactly what will happen.
The appeal of UNITED is universal. It tells the story of a young inner-city boy who is threatened by bullies. Rather than give up, he rallies tremendous support and backs the bully off. But instead of continuing the violence he makes peace with his one-time opponent. The music is compelling, the cinematography totally engaging and the message is one of communication and friendship prevailing over intolerance and hate.
UNITED is the centerpiece of the human rights education campaign launched late last year by Youth for Human Rights International, in conjunction with the Church of Scientology International Human Rights Department. As inferred by the title of the music video, the campaign is grounded in the belief that by acting in a united fashion, young people can make a difference and create a better world.
Key to accomplishing this is ensuring that youth understand the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To bring this about, the Church sponsored Lexton to create 30 new public service announcements (PSAs) , one PSA for each of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration. These, too, will be shown in every movie theater in Hungary over the coming year, and on TV stations all over the world.
The first three of these PSAs have now been released and can be viewed online. Click here to watch the PSAs.
All groups, schools, organizations and individuals are urged to use the UNITED music video and the human rights public service announcements.